LightBox Gallery Examples
This first example shows 3 different portfolio items in a portfolio list. Each item is a Portfolio Gallery type portfolio item. Thus when the list featured image is clicked, one can scroll through the other images that were attached to that porfolio item when it was created. The display of the thumbnails is optional, and is controlled by a theme setting in the Lightbox Admin tab in the MultiFlex Advanced Panel (MultiFlex has several theme admin panels….)
[portfolio column=”3″ max=”8″ cat=”gallery” title=”true” desc=”false” more=”false” moreText=”Read More »” group=”false”]
[divider_advanced color=”rgba(52,151,33,1)” paddingBottom=”20″ thickness=”3″ width=”70%”]
This next example shows the same portfolio items as above. But the shortcode has also been set to allow for LightBox Grouping. So when the images are scrolled of the portfolio featured image selected, then the lightbox continues navigation to the next featured image and its gallery images, in the portfolio list.
[portfolio column=”3″ max=”8″ cat=”gallery” title=”true” desc=”false” more=”false” moreText=”Read More »”]